Clever Logos Don’t Happen By Accident

Hidden message in Tostitos Logo? has a great visual slide presentation of twenty corporate logos that are almost all instantly recognizable. However, prepare yourself for a few double-takes. My biggest surprise of all these? The Atlanta Falcons logo. And I was born and raised in Atlanta and have been an Atlanta Falcon (& Braves!) fan all my life.

A friend and I were going over the logos and he thought the hidden message in the FedEx logo may be  coincidental. It wasn’t. We stress to our clients how important it is to seek out and be willing to pay for an experienced, professional graphics design shop when considering a company or product brand logo.

But, since a Logo is worth a 1,000.000 Orders, you be the judge. Intentionally clever? Subtly hidden just for insiders? What do you think? Click on first sentence to see the entire slide show presentation.

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